About us
A Legacy of Secure and Efficient Oil & Gas Storage Solutions
With a global network of storage facilities under its ownership and operation, Jp Evolutions B.V. is an independent operator of midstream and downstream bulk liquid shipping and storage facilities for chemicals, oils, and refined petroleum products. The network has a total storage capacity of 1.6 million m³. Our global reach includes Rotterdam-based facilities that cater to more than 9000 clients, including all of the big players. Our objective is uncomplicated. Our goal is to offer our clients the most secure, dependable, and effective logistical and tank storage systems possible. Together with our highly knowledgeable personnel, we ensure that there is no such thing as a dangerous product – at least not when under our care. We are confident of achieving our goal since our activities are founded upon a sound risk management philosophy that involves ensuring a healthy and responsible balance between taking advantage of opportunities and fostering an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit while managing risks to acceptable levels.
We continue to use a strategy of controlled expansion of our tank terminal-based service network through acquisitions, new construction, and modernization of current facilities in order to increase the value to our shareholders. Jp Evolutions B.V. offers customized infrastructure and has a significant focus on its clients. While building and running its facilities, it prioritizes providing services that are dependable, safe, and efficient. Industry-leading asset protection and security compliance programs are provided by Jp Evolutions B.V. Jp Evolutions B.V. is aware that each of our clients may have distinct and significant requirements concerning high-risk items, trademark protection, or homeland security regulations compliance. We make ourselves available for proactive partnership and consulting in order to meet our clients’ security demands. By leveraging modern and proven technologies, we provide for the integrity of customer assets while in-transit or at one of our facilities.
Core Principles
Separate declarations on employment, health and safety, the environment, community affairs, and compliance contain more thorough instructions. We are committed to forming alliances and want to be the go-to source for expert shipping and storage solutions. We strive for sustainable growth by building new terminals, expanding our current facilities, and making acquisitions in industries where the demand for chilled gas, petrochemicals, and petroleum products is still rising. We encourage a can-do attitude by giving workers the freedom to make the best decisions and an entrepreneurial spirit through a decentralized management structure. We show our employees how much we value them by assisting in their skill and capability development and providing ongoing training to ensure the greatest outcomes.